September can be a time of excitement, fresh beginnings and new experiences. For some, it can be exhilarating as young adults venture off to college and new adventures. Others may be feeling a bit unsettled as they gear up to…
Chair Yoga is a gentle form of yoga that is done sitting on a chair or standing on the ground using the chair for support. Benefits include increased balance, strength, flexibility, range of motion and stress reduction. Suitable for everyone,…
Fall Drive-Thru Flu Clinics at 22 Danbury Road Flu clinics will be held in the parking lot of the Visiting Nurse & Hospice office at 22 Danbury Road in Wilton every Thursday starting September 30th through November 11th. The clinics…
Don’t tackle Medicare alone. Navigating the Medicare benefits process can be confusing. And it’s important to make the best decisions for you and your health. Join our panel of experts who will help you sort through the ABC’s—and D’s—of Medicare.…